Saturday, July 27, 2013

Feeling almost famous!

Today was magical. As I stood in a light circle, I was aware of a nervous energy inside of me. It was not of my own feelings. I was responding to the energy that the lights make-separating me from the rest of the room. I really was in my own little world-physically and energetically.  It took me just 5 minutes to adjust and relax. 

After fussing with the teleprompter and computers, that simply wouldn't work right, I suggested that he just start recording and let me roll with it. That was were the real magic occurred. Brian Dean is extraordinary, and I'm not quite sure how I am so blessed to have attracted him. His resume is unbelievable-he's worked with every famous person from Michael Jackson, to Dick Clark, Britney Spears, to President Carter and more! He was the production supervisor for Disney for 9 years. He's calm and collective, and not much moves his stoic nature. About 20 minutes into it, he paused, turned off the recording, and apologized for nearly laughing out loud during the recording. I asked him if I was doing something wrong? He said, "No. Lisa, I have worked with 100's of people, many famous people, and only a handful of them truly flow the way you do, in front of the camera. I'm just laughing at how I struggled to get the computer/teleprompting end of it up, and that wasn't what we needed-THIS IS WHAT WE NEED! This is going to be a collection of "The Best of Lisa Mohr" and it's all happening right now at this first sitting! I'm going to have SO much material!".  I am SO doing the Snoopy Happy Dance right now!!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Teaching my boys The Mohr Method of Healing, Reiki Level 1

I am teaching the boys MMOH Reiki Level One as I comb through it, one last time, for edits. They both wanted to see auras and feel energy. They both wanted to see colors. Tonight, Nevin saw a tree branch for his Attunement, and Ian saw nothing, but felt peaceful. When we were finished with the Attunements, I immediately showed them how to see their auras in their hands. Ian said that he has been seeing them for 4 years now, on everything. And then he started to leak tears. I asked him why he was crying and he shrugged that he didn't know why? I cried during my first Attunement-very hard. It was a cleansing thing as I embraced a new and higher frequency into my being. I saw a big and beautiful tree during my Attunement-Nevin saw a tree branch. I told them that a little piece of Mommy was definitely inside of them! And that they are definitely my boys! When we did scanning-the body work, I taught them how to play with each other's energy fields and they giggled when experiencing this. I showed them how to pour energy into their hands. And when they received Reiki treatments, both saw colors flicker-every color of the rainbow and pink and other shades and hues too! They are very eager to learn the organized hand positions tomorrow. When we were learning how to move the energy-which the boys described as moving water in the air, I said that this is why Mommy doesn't like crowds; because I feel this all of the time. Nevin said, "LIke you are in an ocean, Mommy?" I said, "Yes, and sometimes it feels like I can't breath. So I "Bubble Up". Nevin said that he's felt like that a couple times, himself. It was all very positive and inspiring. I'm teaching them an adult class with adult words-not kid words, and they are getting it. And they are getting it fast! I feel really good about all of this. It's been a long time waiting for this class for all of us. :-)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cutting the Cords

I am continually amazed at how different I feel after I cut the cords that connect me to others. After listening to the meditation that I recorded, during class today, I feel pounds lighter. The experience was so intense for my students, we needed a significant break afterwards to recover. They felt exposed and vulnerable. It was SO powerful. After awhile, they said that they could get used to it-a pleasant new found feeling of detachment and freedom. To me, it felt like taking my rings and jewelry off after wearing them for years. Freedom and ease, but a little naked and vulnerable at the same time. As much as we think we need these cords, we do not. Cutting them, lovingly, allows both you and your loved ones to grow in ways that you could never imagine.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Fun Dog Story

Yesterday I was walking Daisy, when I saw a neighbor, Maria, with her dog Happy. She warned me that Happy has been fighting with other dogs lately. When Daisy approached, she snarled at her-not typically how Happy responds to my dog. I looked at her dog and noticed the stomach area. I said, Maria, I don't know if you know what I do, but I see energy fields? Your dog has a sour tummy. What have you been feeding her?" Maria said, "I changed her food…to a cheaper dog food.". I explained how in humans, we have neurological (brain) tissue in our intestines, and that's why digestive issues can make us crabby. I'm not sure if it's the same with dogs, but I guessed it so. She has a crabby dog because she has a sour tummy! Happy looked at me, then Maria, and then pathetically down at the ground. I said, "OH Puppy!" and Maria said, "I'm so sorry Happy-I didn't know." It was so gut wrenchingly sad. Poor dog. I'm eager to see if Happy improves
the near future. :-)
(I changed the names of my neighbor and the dog for privacy)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Angels and a Baby

This is a fun story…
Every day when I come into work, I check out all of the rooms in the Birth Center and common space. On Tuesday when I was there, I noticed that birth suite looked very beautiful and fuzzy. I noticed the room was full of angels. I hadn't seen this before. I sensed that the overdue baby was to arrive very soon... on Thursday.

I shared this with Coral-the owner of the birth center. She is Reiki trained and very intuitive and receptive to what I say and sense. As I was texting her, (Tuesday), she walked in-which was weird and wonderful! (She and I never see each other there).

This morning (Thursday) I received a phone call that indeed, the mother is in labor. How exciting!!! The energy at the birth center is SO electric when their is a birth!

I will be in session with intuitive massage treatments all day. My prediction is that the baby arrives at 4pm-when I am not there. I'm excited because if the angels tell me when a baby is coming from now one, that would be really helpful/convenient for all involved. :-)

Wishing the Mother, Baby and Midwives love, light and success!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Relax before impact

Today in Karate class, a fellow student told me how the drunk driver often isn't injured in the accident because they are "relaxed" upon impact. I had never heard it put that way before-please forgive the disturbing topic, but it really made sense to me.  I know many people that have gotten hurt because they tensed up when they fell, or they were super tense and then lifted something heavy, and then injured their back. Being relaxed before receiving any injury certainly helps with the impact of it. This is why meditation, good sleep, and balance are so very important for our well being.

My leg was hurt holding the sparring shield this morning, because I was tensing before the impact of my sparring partner's kicks. My fellow student suggested breathing in and out with the kicks I received. Wow. SO... If you are relaxed in mind and body (I am NOT saying under the influence of any chemicals here) you are less likely to get hurt-in mind, body, or spirit. BIG insight for me this morning. I can apply this to so many areas of my life. Staying relaxed, breathing, and not tensing up before impact-no matter what kind-physical or emotional, will ultimately keep me safer in every way.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Conquering a child hood fear

I just earned my Orange belt in Karate. I had a ridiculous amount of anxiety about testing-to the point of tears. After meditating on this a bit, I realized that I have never felt particularly athletic or strong because I was the heaviest kid in my class, all the way through 8th grade. I was terrible in Gym class. I remember having to perform physical challenges in front of others and failing miserably. I was teased viciously for my weight. A particularly cruel kid nick-named me "The Goodyear Blimp" and successfully brought me to tears every day in 2nd grade. The nick-name stuck all the way through 5th grade. I was always last picked in Gym class, and recess for anything sports related. By 5th grade I had developed a pretty poor self image. I actually hid in the bathroom at recess to avoid being teased! BIG sigh. That isn't me anymore. I'm all grown up now, and little Lisa is safe and strong. No one teases me for my weight or athletic ability anymore.  It is time to let go of an out-dated self image.

Joining Karate America has given me hope. I don't feel un-athletic and incompetent anymore-I feel like I could actually be pretty good one day. This place isn't ego-based, and the instructors communicate in a compassionate and empowering manner. It's really broken some beliefs I had about martial arts being all about pride and ego. This place isn't about that at all. It's about putting my best foot forward and sharing my successes with the world. The environment is very inclusive-like a family. I should clarify, I get absolutely nothing for endorsing them-they have just really been fundamental in changing my self esteem. In writing this blog, and sharing some of my vulnerable past history, I truly hope that it inspires you to push past some of your own limitations. Whatever your fears are, I believe they are there to be conquered. Just imagine what you might do without them there. Who might you become?