Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Leaving my comfort zone...
Today in Karate it came to my attention that I need to be at the next graduation ceremony to receive my next belt (orange). Last time, I didn't have to do this because I was out of town. I had thought that I would NEVER actually have to do this. After all, I'm an adult, and the big scary belt ceremony is for the kids to endure, right? ;-)

I think it's funny how I have absolutely NO problem getting up in front of 50 people to talk about insight or The Law of Attraction, or Reiki, but if I have to get up in front of an audience and perform my Journey (a Karate routine involving punching and kicking), I'm terrified. TERRIFIED! Wow, that's kind of ridiculous, isn't it?

When I asked my instructor why it was so important that I actually be there vs. testing privately, she said, "Because I just feel it's important for you to be there. Because it's uncomfortable for you to do it. And once you do it, and see how easy it was, you will feel that much better afterward." I said, "Life begins when I leave my comfort zone-I say that daily..Ma'am."

So, with that, I am practicing my Journey (without a mirror in front of me) a bunch this week. And I am challenging myself, on multiple levels, to expand past what is familiar and comfortable. I really don't like it-at all. But I know that it's good for me, so I will. I hope that my vulnerability inspires my reader to do something that he/she is terrified to do or try? Maybe an act of bravery will ripple forward into some kind of magical, miraculous change in our world. Be it yours or mine.

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