Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just one sentence...

Sometimes I am amazed at how a simple word or sentence can be completely transformative for someone. The difference between seeing a challenging situation as a complication vs. a gift for example. So often we are hung up on the process of life vs. the grand design. Occasionally, I have the opportunity to be part of a life changing discussion or healing session with someone. I always know that magic and healing has occurred when the entire room is humming with frequency after our session. When a person's soul reaches it's optimal pitch, it creates a master frequency. A baseline. And then other people (like myself) resonate with that frequency. It literally feels like coming home. A deep sense of inner awareness, acceptance, and the deepest kind of peace humanly possible. I had the opportunity to be part of such a healing today. Although I am not privy to share the details, I will say that sessions like today's are the very reason that I am in the field that I am. I wish that I could bottle it, and give it to each person in the world. I wonder what our Earth would be like if each person experienced that very sensation of wholeness for just one minute, simultaneously? The commanding frequency that we would create would heal so many, in every kind of way.

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